U.S. Community Development
Deutsche Bank uses its capabilities as a global investment bank to create economic opportunities in distressed communities. Through its $400 million portfolio of community development loans and investments, the Bank helps to finance quality affordable housing, homeownership opportunities, job creation, and support services such as child care and employment training.
Engaging the poor in developing and implementing solutions to their own challenges is at the core of the Bank’s community development initiatives. Deutsche Bank relies on a network of nonprofit organizations and community development intermediaries that leverage the social equity of residents themselves to attract private sector participation and investments toward place-based strategies, bringing about lasting change for people and places outside the economic mainstream.
Loans and Investments
Deutsche Bank’s Community Development Finance Group (CDFG) deploys the Bank’s balance sheet in the service of bringing capital to distressed communities. CDFG applies the Bank’s rigorous credit standards to all of its transactions, identifying opportunities where market-oriented debt and equity capital can support and scale community and economic development projects and programs with clear social impact.
CDFG makes loans and investments to benefit low and moderate-income communities with a focus on the following areas of social impact: creating/preserving affordable housing, expanding access to high quality healthcare and education, economic mobility/jobs and addressing other barriers to access to capital.
Grants from the Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation support neighborhood-based organizations that develop affordable housing, generate employment opportunities and address critical service needs. Committed to building healthy and sustainable communities, Deutsche Bank works ... more