Engaging youth – Changing lives
Everyone is born with talent and drive. But opportunities to fully develop skills and realize ambitions through high-quality educational experiences are not equally available to all.
Regardless of race, gender, class or native language, young people across the Americas desire and deserve access to the pathways leading to educational attainment, employment, social engagement and economic mobility.
Our youth engagement program Born to Be aims to unlock the potential of the next generation by breaking down barriers to opportunity and supporting inclusive and innovative educational environments for all.
We’re going to help this generation become who they were born to be.
Strategy STH: Stable, Thriving & Healthy
This new grants program supports a coordinated continuum of resources for students experiencing homelessness to address their educational needs and further their well-being. The initiative partners with local organizations and industry thought leaders to develop best practices. more
Anchoring Achievement in Mexican Communities
Our Anchoring Achievement in Mexican Communities initiative was designed to improve the long-term educational and economic well-being of children and families in New York City. The initiative aimed to ameliorate the barriers facing students through high-quality research and services. more
Focus on Education
As a global business, we recognize the importance of young talent to the task of building a thriving and sustainable society. A prepared and educated workforce is essential for strong communities locally and worldwide as our economy increasingly becomes knowledge-based. more
Bronx Recovery Corps
CUNY Lehman College launches the Bronx Recovery Corps to ensure students can contribute to the economic recovery in the Bronx. more
Center for an Urban Future
Although New York City’s high school graduation rate has increased, too few of these students are obtaining the postsecondary credentials they need for today’s jobs. This new research explores a leading cause of drop-out: the non-tuition expenses that financial aid does not cover.. more
Harlem RBI
Deutsche Bank supports Harlem RBI to help high school juniors and seniors in their pursuit of post-secondary education. Students receive assistance with college selection and applications, as well as SAT preparation and financial aid services. more
Citizens' Committee for Children of NY
Deutsche Bank is proud to support Citizens' Committee for Children of NY which challenge teens to come up with public policy solutions to the issues that directly affect them in their schools and in their communities. more
MOCA Jacksonville
Deutsche Bank is proud to partner with MOCA Jacksonville on its Voice of the People program, which creates literacy-rich art education experiences for Title I elementary school students at an important stage in their academic development. more
Strive for College
Deutsche Bank partnered with Strive for College, a game-changing nonprofit that leverages technology and publicly available data to correct the inequity of college access. Our partnership also helped Strive’s expansion across the US. more
Instituto Ayrton Senna
We are proud to support Instituto Ayrton Senna to ensure students' complete development, so that they leave school with the academic and life skills they will need to meet 21st-century challenges. more
Raising A Reader
Raising A Reader’s mission is to engage parents in a routine of book sharing with their children from birth through age eight. The organization empowers parents as partners to develop, practice and sustain home literacy routines. more
Fiver Children's Foundation
Fiver empowers children to make healthy decisions, become engaged citizens and succeed in school, work, and life. Fiver pays special attention to critical social and academic transition periods in children’s lives that can be stressful. more
Sadie Nash Leadership Project
By increasing the participation of women in social, political and economic decision-making, Sadie Nash seeks to question and redefine the nature of leadership and to promote perspectives and practices that are cooperative, ethical and effective. more
Comunidad Panal
Comunidad Panal is a not-for-profit organization serving students who are at the top of Chile's vulnerability index. Panal focuses on the social and emotional development of youth and trains the, to recognize themselves as change makers. more
Our nonprofit partner Proeducación is building libraries in some of Mexico’s most under-resourced schools, and bringing communities together to promote learning. Proeducación (Proed) aims to build capacity in Mexico’s primary public schools. more
The Deutsche Bank Challenge
To strengthen STEM education in Peru, Deutsche Bank formed a problem-solving partnership, the Deutsche Bank Challenge, with Peru’s Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología (UTEC) and Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. more
Two Together
Deutsche Bank employees have volunteered with the Two By Two (formerly JCCA's Two Together) program for more than a decade, providing free individualized tutoring to academically struggling students from New York City public schools. more
Fondation Forge
Deutsche Bank Argentina is partnering with Fondation Forge, a not-for-profit organization that provides vocational and life-skills training to help underserved youth achieve gainful employment and a path to advancement. more
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Our partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC dates back more than 15 years. The organization pairs corporate volunteers with middle and high school students for a full academic year of one-to-one mentorship. more
Get Involved
Being involved in our community is central to how we do business. Volunteering supports our commitment to employee development and work-life balance; and it is a tangible way for employees to connect with and contribute to our corporate responsibility work. more
CUNY launches Chancellor’s Emergency Relief Fund
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation is supporting the Chancellor’s Emergency Relief Fund, providing stipends to address CUNY community college students’ immediate food and shelter needs. Prior to the pandemic, 71% of students lived in households earning under $30,000. more
Henry Street's rapid COVID-19 response
Henry Street Settlement is one of New York’s oldest social service agencies and a partner of Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation since 1998. It reaches thousands through job-readiness training, educational programming and temporary housing. more
Research and reporting spotlights issues facing Hispanic/Latinx youth
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation commissioned the Futuro Media Group to produce a three-part audio series and several articles—based on Community Service Society’s (CSS) rich, cutting-edge data—for NPR’s award-winning station Latino USA. more

Closing the Wealth Gap through Financial Literacy
Deutsche Bank is proud to partner with the Goalsetter Foundation to address disparity of the wealth gap in our country and to help children learn how to pave a path to financial freedom. more
Further projects
Click here to read about our further projects.