• Proativo



    The Deutsche Bank youth
    engagement program

Teaching skills for success in school and beyond

Across the state of São Paulo, Brazil, an analysis of public education reveals unacceptable drop-out rates and too many students who are two or more years behind in their studies.

In partnership with the Department of Education of the state of São Paulo, the not-for-profit Instituto Ayrton Senna has introduced its SuperAção Jovem program to more than 270,000 students enrolled in 6th grade through high school. The program, which Deutsche Bank supports, aims to ensure students' complete development, so that they leave school with the academic and life skills they will need to meet 21st-century challenges.

How it works

SuperAção Jovem focuses on developing students' cognitive skills in core disciplines like mathematics and Portuguese language, as well as on their social and emotional development and strengthening of life skills – like persistence, responsibility, and cooperation. Working in teams, students practice new ways of seeing, thinking and acting effectively to solve learning and social challenges in school, and to design and implement projects that improve their schools and communities.

What sets SuperAção Jovem apart is its rigorous and innovative methodology. It encompasses in-class and online training modules for educators, an array of support materials for teachers, students and administrators, on-site school visits by trainers and supervisors, and a rigorous system for program evaluation. The program has been replicated throughout São Paulo and has become a benchmark for the development of public education policies and standards. In short, SuperAção Jovem provides clear evidence that young people who are responsible, curious and independent in the classroom are more likely to succeed – in school and beyond.


Impact 1,384 Students in the program developed 1,384 community-improvement projects in 2014 as part of the Desafio do Protagonismo (Leadership Challenge).
Impact 81% Students displayed increased motivation in 81% of participating classrooms.

Discover more

Instituto Ayrton Senna


Photo credit: Bruno Polengo, Instituto Ayrton Senna

Photo credit: Bruno Polengo, Instituto Ayrton Senna

What people are saying

What people are saying - Quote - teacher

What people are saying - Quote - 8th grade student