Community Leadership Award recognizes work with veterans
The Urban Justice Center honored Joe Salama, Global Head of Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement, and his team for pro bono work supporting veterans.
Salama and his team have worked on pro bono cases with the Urban Justice Center's (UJC) Veteran Advocacy Project, which provides free civil legal services to low-income veterans and their families, with a focus on those living with Post Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Brain Injury and substance use problems.
When accepting the award, Salama said, “I’d like to recognize some of our team members – Stela Tipi, Matt Kalinowski, Jesse Crew, Hannah Lee, Diana Hui and Kris Kwong – for the work they’ve done on the Veteran Advocacy Project. I’ve heard the stories of their clients and I have no doubt that the work they’ve done has changed lives.”
Salama also discussed the importance of the UJC’s work and more generally about the importance of devoting skills, time and money in the pursuit of justice. He quoted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the importance of a society working toward justice: “Every step towards the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals… This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive social action.”
The event, held on June 27 at Cipriani Wall Street, was co-chaired by Rose Battaglia, Global COO, Legal. Tom Patrick, CEO for the Americas, and Eric Smith, Americas CFO, also attended.
The UJC has grown to a thriving organization of over 200 people, helping over 14,500 people and saving NYC over $10 million dollars.

Joe Salama, Global Head of Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement, accepted the 2018 Community Leadership Award from the Urban Justice Center.