Holiday food drive feeds thousands
For the second consecutive year, employees organized a successful Thanksgiving food drive for local families in need.
During the month of November, Equities, Fixed Income & Currencies, Technology, and Group Audit hosted department-wide collections for New York Common Pantry, the city’s largest community-based food pantry. Each year, the pantry runs a campaign to provide full Thanksgiving meals of turkey, produce, sides and trimmings to clients. Corporations, schools and other community partners host drives to collect nonperishable food items for the meal packages.
Having collected over 20,000 items in 2016, the Deutsche Bank teams had a high bar to meet in 2017. By the time the drive had concluded, they had more than surpassed the previous year’s efforts, with over 27,000 items this year. Equities and Fixed Income & Currencies further set up a friendly competition among its 11 different product teams to drive participation.
New York Common Pantry expressed appreciation for Deutsche Bank’s ongoing support. Executive Director Stephen Grimaldi said, “On behalf of all of us at New York Common Pantry and all of those we serve, I thank Deutsche Bank employees for shattering last year’s record contributions. Your 2017 Thanksgiving donation of 18,259 pounds of food exceeded your 2016 donation by 30%. You have become one of our most valued food donors, and we are deeply grateful for your holiday donations.”
In addition, the weekend before Thanksgiving, a group of employees volunteered at the pantry to help bundle individual family packages for distribution.

Employees prepare their food drive collection for pickup