Addressing homelessness in New York City
The Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation has committed a combined USD 1 million to four different New York City organizations, each one supporting a distinct homeless population.
The four recipients of this funding, selected through a competitive RFP process, are:
A team that comprises Enterprise Community Partners, a national not-for-profit that has created or preserved more than 49,000 affordable homes in New York City since 1987, and works to connect homeless households to high quality affordable housing, and the Mayor’s Office of Veterans’ Affairs, which facilitates innovative private-public partnerships to offer services to local veterans, their dependents and survivors.
Sanctuary for Families, New York City’s largest provider of integrated direct services, community outreach, training, and policy advocacy on behalf of domestic violence survivors and their children.
The Ali Forney Center, which aims to protect and advocate for homeless LGBTQ youth by providing shelter, housing, and the wraparound services they need to reclaim their lives and become independent.
The Fortune Society, which serves over 5,000 incarcerated or formerly incarcerated men and women annually through holistic, one-stop service provision.

One of the grantees, Enterprise Community Partners, provided financing for this new 43-unit supportive housing development in the South Bronx for formerly homeless veterans.